Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Liar, Liar, pants on fire

If everyone experiences life differently and there are many truths, as post-modernism postulates, then is there any such thing as lying? Or if truth is relative to point of view or other truths, what is a lie? If a door is different for you than it is for me is there really such a thing as a door?

Lying is defined, right now, as stating an untruth or misrepresenting reality to another with the intent to decieve.

BadMark and I are working on redefining lying and repositioning it so that it becomes a respectable tool in the post-modernist kit.

So far, we have: lying is stating an unrealized truth. Also: lying is simply an expression of an alternate truth. Also: lying is a disimilar or contested truth.

We're on to something, baby! We're heading down to the patent offices or where ever it is one goes to protect intellectual property. May your pants never be on fire again!




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